Ausstellungsansichten Pizza Is God C Nrw Forum Duesseldorf Foto B Babic016
Pizza is pop culture, part of art history and now a world heritage site. With the exhibition "Pizza is God" we dedicate an international group exhibition to the pop phenomenon of pizza from Feb 16th to May 20th 2018.
Cory Arcangel
Darren Bader
John Baldessari
Paul Barsch
Simon M. Benedict
Lars Bent Petersen
Katherine Bernhardt
John Bock
Chris Bradley
Marco Bruzzone
Jennifer Chan
Robert Crumb
Simon Dybbroe Møller
Tom Friedman
Uffe Isolotto
Thomas Judisch
Martin Kippenberger
Jonas Lund
Torben Ribe
Reena Spaulings
Spencer Sweeney
Sebastian Schmieg
Daniel van Straalen
Claude Viallat
It is official: Pizza has been added to the list of intangible assets on the World Heritage List. The Düsseldorf band Antilopen Gang has already dedicated it a veritable anthem this year. The first Pizza Pavilion was opened at the Venice Biennale in 2015. As one of the most popular memes, pizzas have long been available everywhere on the net. What is the fascination of pizza?
The international group exhibition Pizza is God explores the cultural significance and iconic power of pizza. Painting, photography, net art, video and performances: artists have been dealing with the cult object of pizza for decades and have been using it to explore the social and aesthetic themes of their time. Pizza is God presents the more recent visual history of pizza as well as current works by contemporary young artists.
Pizza is God was conceived by the artists Mikkel Carl and Paul Barsch, as well as the curators Marie Nipper and Konstanze Schütze.