Dienstag Abend Fieber

Ausstellungsansichten Dienstag Abend Fieber 29© Nrw Forum Duesseldorf Foto Frau Babic Fotografie

.ftlbr #2

February 12 – March 6 2016

From the 12th of February to the 6th of March 2016, Mareike Foecking, professor of photography at the Hochschule Düsseldorf, and her students will be presenting the results of their engaging with issues of photography in a digital age. The exhibition “Tuesday Night Fever” is the second edition of the exhibition format .ftlbr, the photo lab of the NRW-Forum Düsseldorf.

The students of Düsseldorf-based professor of photography Mareike Foecking (Hochschule Düsseldorf / Peter Behrens School of Art) gather every Tuesday to discuss the future of photography and the image in a digital age. The exhibition “Tuesday Night Fever” will be presenting their results from the 12th of February to the 6th of March 2016 at the NRW-Forum Düsseldorf.

For this exhibition, curated by Mareike Foecker, students from the Hochschule Düsseldorf, the Peter Behrens School of Art, the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf and the Fachhochschule Dortmund will be presenting their work from recent terms. The common denominator is a question discussed during Mareike Foecking’s seminar: How is digitalisation changing our society and in what kind of society do we want to live in the future. Based on photography theory as well as approaches from media and culture theory, students have developed images and concepts engaging, in different ways, with how images depict and create social realities as well as utopic notions.

New exhibition format .ftlbr

“Tuesday Night Fever” is the second edition of the fltbr: The new format is the photo lab of the NRW-Forum Düsseldorf. A host of exhibitions on the upper floor which thematise the future of photography as a medium. We will present young, brave and new photographic angles – sometimes experimental, unconventional and always unusual. The visual appearance for this new series was designed by the creative team from Drasdos, Düsseldorf.


Annika Bethan
Nina Wilkesmann
Kimara Hungerbach
Alex Telieps
Ruslan Varabyou
Marc Oortman
Malte Koezle
Julius Wiebe
Cinzia Bongino
Caroline Prang

Jan-Luka Schmitz
Nina Möhrke
Felix Obermaier
Matthias Schneck
Jakob Reuter
Alexandra Vidyakina & Kristina Lenz
Max Brugger
Martin von Hadel
Natalia Iskovych
Basia Napora
Leonie Müller
Moritz Marquardt
Kurt Heuvens
Tatjana Ebermann
Mark Hermenau
Sebastian Randerath


Stadtsparkasse Düsseldorf Otto Beisheim Stiftung Hoffmann Liebs CCS